red color wears for a prom look sexy

Wade took his last chemo treatment Tuesday - Thursday. Done really good. Had the hiccups once for 8 hours and once for 3 hours. Way better than last time when the hiccups lasted 6 days!! red color wears for a prom look sexy

I started PT on my foot yesterday. Now I can hardly walk today. Used muscles that I have really used for over 3 months!!
Wade's latest checkup with the cancer doc was good. He won't see him again until last of February.
I will do therapy until I go back to the surgeon on the 28th of December.
Mom is getting around really good, still has a lot of fluid retention on the side of her leg. Her doctor said it will go down in time.
In the meantime it causes her some pain and lots of discomfort.
But we are all on the mend!!
Thank you for your prayers and well wishes! And thank you God!