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Jenny, a 34 year old female, came to the clinic with the complain of low back pain . During examination PT find that patient has localized pain to the posterior pelvis , and she describe as stabbing deep pain into the buttock. Pain may radiate into the posterior thigh and knee but not into the foot. mother of the groom dresses for summer outdoor wedding

According the sign and symptoms which condition we conclude?

a.Piriformis syndrome
b.Sacroiliac pain
d.Muscle strain

2. This condition commonly seen in which population?

a.elderly people
c.pregnant women
d.All of the above

3. what is the best intervention of this condition?

a.stretching exercises and the use of belt
b.stabilization exercises and the use of belt
c.flexion bias exercise and the use of belt
d.extension bias exercises with the use of belt

4. what kind of activity modification is not required?

a. getting into the car is done by sitting down first .then pivoting both legs and trunck into the car
b.patient to avoid climbing more than one step at a time
c.sitting on a very soft surface
d.side lying is made more unsymmetrical by not placing a pillow between the knees and abdomen

5.what you educate about a precaution she need to take during activity of daily life?

a.single leg wt bearing and excessive hip abduction
b.single leg wt bearing and excessive hip adduction
c. single leg wt bearing and excessive flexion
d. none of the above