adorable prom wears designed for little girl

Power and the greed and lust for more power destroys all that is kind and lovely and beautiful. This corruption is what happened to the church, to our country's education system, to our rural communities, to our earth's natural resources.

It's no wonder that it's been happening to women. The human trafficking, the rape culture, sexual harassment, the inequalities in the workplace - the art world.

We've shown we are strong enough to endure it. We've put up with abuse for so long many of us have been conditioned to accept and believe the abuse is just, is normal. We haven't even begun to unpack the misogyny and shame from on our American value system. adorable prom wears designed for little girl

Now. Are we strong enough to change it? Are we greedy enough, brave enough, supported enough? Are we mad enough? Are we powerful enough? Are we bold enough?!?!?

Are we the big bronzed bull? Or are we that tiny little girl who pretends to be strong standing on her own two feet all alone looking cute at the bull? Are we a mass of pink crocheted hats with cute protest signs?

Who are we and what the hell do we really want?!?

I don't have words. Just passion. And a hell of emotion.

My voice is in my paint.

I'm grateful to be an artist in these times and to express the female revolution through my art!

This is all I got. Thank you for supporting me as I continue to empower women through Pussy Power!